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The Year in Review: An Inventory of Wins, Losses, “Ahas” and Gratitude

As 2016 quickly comes to an end, it’s time to look at the year in review and to take inventory of what happened over the past 365 days. Every year starts out with ambitions and goals; maybe even a New Year’s resolution or two.  Along the way, however, many of us fail to track what we […]

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Why We Get So Much Done Around the Holidays: Because We Have To

It’s that time of year again — when time warps and we start operating at a higher level of efficiency. It’s the time when we start getting pumped about “getting it done.” It happens every year. We get into mid- to late-October and everyone starts saying, “I can’t believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just

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When Heartbreak Sets In: How to Stay Focused on The Big Picture

Heartbreak. Everyone experiences it at some point in his or her life. It hurts badly. When your heart is broken, you can go through a phase of depression where you literally lie around and do nothing for days on end. It’s shocking and painful. You think to yourself, I’ll never get through this! One way: Stay focused on the big picture.

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The Law of Nature: Connect With Spirit, Achieve New Growth

Every time I have been inside the Jessup Correctional Institution to speak, I have always felt moved by the spirit. Yes, the guys who I am speaking to have committed crimes, and the general consensus on the outside is to not care about what happens to them. They’ve sealed their fates. They did the crime, now they must do the time. But when I’m there, I feel a sensation, one that leads me to conclude that these guys can connect with spirit.

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Being Liked or Being Respected? What Your Preference Says About You

It feels good to be liked, but there’s a difference between being liked and being respected. If it’s a choice between the two, which would you rather be? I believe the correct answer is respected. You see, you can be liked, but not respected, but if you’re respected, the odds are good that you’ll be liked.

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Building Your Connections Is Like Tilling Tomatoes

One day, while watering my garden I got to thinking how preparing and growing vegetables is similar to growing your connections in business. Sounds crazy but it’s an apt metaphor. Indulge me as I tell you about my recent horticultural endeavors to explain what I mean. Three years ago I took up gardening as a hobby. I had had an itch

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