Rob Commodari

Slow Down to Speed Up: Contemplative Prayer and Clearing the Mind

Most of us go through our days checking off things we had set out to do when the day began and very seldom think about the day itself. We are doers.

Thirteen years ago, I was introduced to “contemplative prayer.” It’s a form of meditation where one tries to clear the mind of the spinning thoughts. It’s a nearly impossible task with 50,000 thoughts moving through our brains every day. 

Slow Down to Speed Up: Contemplative Prayer and Clearing the Mind Read More »

The Real Reason Why Some People Excel More Than Others

I recently had a conversation with a group of business people and the topic of discussion was why some people excel to a greater degree than others. Is it talent or know-how or training or a gift? Those are all helpful assets to have when trying to excel, but the reason why some people succeed to a greater degree than others comes from something more basic than that.

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How Bad Are Kidney Stones? Not as Bad as A Tiny Bit of Effort is Good

I recently went through the excruciating pain of kidney stones. How bad are kidney stones? So bad. You’ve probably heard stories about how severe the pain is. Many women attest that nothing hurts more than giving birth to a child (or should I say the labor pains that come with the experience of giving birth to

How Bad Are Kidney Stones? Not as Bad as A Tiny Bit of Effort is Good Read More »

Practicing What I Preach: Having an “Aha Moment” While Talking Aloud

Some of the best speeches I have given have been ones when I discuss topics I am struggling with at that moment. These speeches allow me to be transparent and to speak truly from the heart because I’m in the middle of experiencing for myself the issues I am discussing with the audience. They also occasionally present to me an “aha” moment.

Practicing What I Preach: Having an “Aha Moment” While Talking Aloud Read More »